Wednesday, 5 October 2011


today i was chatting with some friends and we were discussing the power of communication and words. i said that i loved communicating my private journey in public because i genuinely believe that others have been, can be and will be encouraged, challenged and inspired by it. well, at least i hope they will. my friends suggested that i start a blog to share the outworking of my heart, mind and soul journey.

i have tried blogging before, but i kept forgetting to do it.

i think this time it's going to be different. why? because i am different.

i'm not who i was this time yesterday, or last week. neither are you...or are you? i go. on a new blogging adventure. i hope that you'll join me in my musings.

ps - the definition of musings is absorbed in thought, meditative.

and i am.

aren't we all?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bronwyn. Welcome back to the blogging world. I love it so far, and I definitely want to hear more of what God is saying to you and thru you.
    I'll add a link to here from my blog!
    Love Emma
